SPXS News by the students
Brody Murphy
Grade 8
Catholic Schools Week is important for many reasons. It helps us focus our Catholic faith. We have fun activities throughout the week to keep us occupied. There are plenty of times to have fun with our friends.
My favorite time during Catholic Schools Week is ice skating. We also have other benefits like dress-downs and class parties. We get more breaks of off school work. We all gather for mass once during the week. It is very important and we get together with other Catholic schools.
Kiera O’Malley
Grade 7
Catholic Schools Week is a time to come together with your school community. Catholic Schools Week starts on January 28 and goes to February 3. Catholic schools all around the world celebrate this and it is an important event to look forward to.
There are many events that we participate in during Catholic Schools Week. Some examples include raising money for charities, decorating your classroom doors, and going to a big school mass. We have a competition to see what house can raise the most money for the charity that is assigned to them. These events each have a different impact on us and can help our community.
This week makes us better Catholics all around. We learn how to be better people and to respect everyone. It teaches us to give back to our communities. While learning to be good Catholics, we have fun. Everyone should look forward to this and make the best of it.
Felicity Cochran
Grade 6
Catholic school week is when the school gets together to reflect and think about Gods as a school community. We do many activities as a school community. This included going to church with JP2, and the middle school kids getting to go ice skating. In the next sentence you will find out what the actual definition of catholic schools week is in the next sentence. In 1974, National catholic schools started. Catholic schools all over the United States celebrate it. It starts on the last Sunday of January. It typically goes from January 30- February 5.
Eduardo Lliguichuzhca
Grade 5
Catholic school week is when the whole school comes together to play fun games. We are always happy and Joyful. And we go to church and pray and that’s what it’s all about. And we always look out for each other in this school, we always try to help out anytime we can.We always do fun activities in Catholics schools week.
Like crazy hair day, dress down, and dances. This year we are going to the church and going to HYCC for Ice skating, and basketball! WE also do fundraisers for different places. We love helping so please come on down to St.Pius X School.
Middle School Pinning Ceremony
Victoria Manni
7th Grade
Today, at St. Pius X School, we had the middle school house pinning ceremony. It brought back memories of when I was just starting middle school, when getting the house pin felt like such an honor. It was like I was finally being initiated into the house system with all the “older kids,” which I had looked up to for years. Watching it this year felt like reliving the same moment, but from a different perspective. Instead of being congratulated, I was congratulating. It almost felt like some different version of déjà vu.
I really hope that the fifth graders enjoyed the pinning ceremony today, and felt just the way I did when I first got my house pin. I hope that they feel welcomed and included into the house system, and that they will appreciate all the fun house events and activities that will be available in the future for them. Thank you for reading my blog, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Middle School Pinning Ceremony
By Amelia Kostecki
7th Grade
After our very special mass dedicated to All Saint’s Day, we officially welcomed our new middle school students into their corresponding houses. In this event, the house captains from each house, including St. Elizabeth Ann Seton house, St. Anthony house, St. Teresa of Avila house, and St. Veronica house, all pinned the new students in middle school with the pins that belong to their house.
By Sarah Zontini and Kaylee Baril (Grade 8)
by Sarah Zontini and Kaylee Baril on October 11, 2022
On September 27, 2022, The middle school students attended a retreat in the life center. They were all split into their houses, (Saint Teresa, Saint Elizabeth, Saint Veronica, or Saint Anthony) where they learned about how Jesus was truly a person just like us, the four levels of happiness, and became closer to God. They also danced to songs, made rosaries, and much more. The most important thing they did that day was grow closer together as a middle school community.
Jesus Was Human Just Like Us
All the middle school students learned about how Jesus was human just like us. We learned about how Jesus got in trouble with his parents, had to go to school, and all of the other things that we do as normal humans.
The Four Levels of Happiness
Our Middle School Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Martin, gave a speech about the four levels of happiness. These included immediate gratification, personal achievement, contributive, and ultimate good. Immediate gratification, the lowest level, focuses on food, material things, and pleasure. Personal achievement, the second level, focuses on personal things that make you happy. The third level, contributive, includes helping with things around you in our society. The Last level, ultimate good, is focusing on God and coming closer to him. After this speech, students were sorted into houses to make posters about these levels.
Becoming Closer to God
At the retreat, we all learned about becoming closer to God. We learned that to become closer to God, we learned that to become closer to God, you have to be faithful to him, pray, go to church, and don’t sin.
House Sorting By Ava Powell ( 8Th Grade)
At St Pius we believe in joining together and leadership roles. That is why we have houses. Houses are named after Saints that we believe made a big difference in this world and can make a difference in our school community. The houses are St Elizabeth House, St Teresa House, St Anthony House and St Veronica House. Each year the new 5th graders and new middle schoolers are sorted into a house. I like to think of this like we are in a Harry Potter book being sorted into a house. This is a big deal to any new middle schooler ready to join their house community. Each house has house captains. House captains are the leaders of each house, they are kind of the teachers for that class and or activity. House leaders are 2-3 8th grade students whom students and teachers believe are ready to take on the leadership role. Houses also have alternates. Alternates are 1 or 2 people who are also part of the house community but are not yet house captains. Alternates come in and take the job of a captain if the captain is absent or could lose their position if not performing to school standards. House also has a shirt and pin you wear consisting of the color of your house, the logo and your house quote and prayer. House is a fun activity to grow closer with the school community. Houses also participate in the house cup! The house cup is a fun tournament for the 4 houses
Ava Powell 8th grade St Elizabeth house captain